Project: Enrique Peñalosa’s presidential campaign Website and digital Media Strategies.
Theme: Design and administrate the candidate’s website for “Partido Verde” political party and collaborate with digital media strategies.
Concept by: Diego Morales, Marcel Vesga
Web design, implementation and administration by Marcel Vesga and Diego Morales.
“Partido Verde” is a new party option that brings a fresh air into Colombian politics, which starts on the premise of having a wider civic involvement without the handouts, and influences of traditional politics; with a transparent and pure style, based completely on opinion and sustainability in the economic, social, political and environmental programs.
• Development of online media strategies which included the projection of the candidate’s public image as a presidential nominee for the party in different social networks such as Twitter, Facebook, youtube and Flickr along with the design, development and administration of his website.
• Email database capture through website.
• Integration of social networks into the website.
• Increase in the number of fans and followers in Facebook and Twitter.