• Granted by the Hochschule für Künste Bremen with the Deutschen Akademischen Austauschdienst
(DAAD) –Stipendium for international students for study completion for the period of time between
September and December 2012.
• Meritory degree project (Thesis) for Design and research, With the design of eXp: a
wearable “robot” that allows it’s users to perform on-line social networking in an ubiquitous
way, thus eliminating the need of being behind a computer.
Universidad de los Andes’ School of Design, Bogotá DC. – Colombia (2008).
• Expositor (with others) in EXPODISEÑO 2004 – Corferias, Bogota DC. – Colombia.
Redesign concept of the LAMY – Mont Blanc store at “Hacienda Santa Bárbara” shopping
mall, in representation of Universidad de los Andes’ School of Design,
Bogotá DC. – Colombia.
• Costume Contest, Universidad de los Andes’ School of Design, Best costume Design, Theme:
Kings and Warriors. Design inspired in Egyptian deities: Followers of Anubis (2004).
Bogotá DC. – Colombia.
• Expositor in the VIII version of the national contest “CONCURSO NACIONAL DE DISEÑO
PARA LA ARTESANÍA” in EXPOARTESANÍAS 2003 (Arts and Crafts exhibition) –
Corferias, Bogotá DC. – Colombia. With the magazine holder design “Revistar”.
• Costume contest, Universidad de los Andes’ School of Design, Best costume Design,
Category: Structures. Design inspired in H.R. Giger’s biomechanoids (2002).
Bogotá DC. – Colombia.
Courses and Seminaries
• "Weltbilder", 48 hours, 4 week course in Data visualization from Moritz Stefaner (http://moritz.stefaner.eu/)
• 35 hours, 5 day Workshop in “Projection mapping” from Christian Riekoff (http://texone.org).